Website Builds

Website Builds

In the age of drag and drop site builders, creating websites is easier than ever. However, when you need your design to stay true to what you presented to the customer, or need some feature beyond a standard “brochure” site, we can help.

We create WordPress powered sites using custom HTML designs rather than purchasing a pre-built WordPress theme that may have tons of features you don’t need, or can break over time as support ends. We use a core set of 3 to 5 plugins, depending on the needs, to keep the sites fast, light, and easy to update.

Your design is broken up into different sections, called blocks. These blocks can then be mixed, matched, and put into any order to create all of the needed pages for launch. Plus, you can create new pages using these blocks at any time, offering flexibility for the future.

Other more advanced features, such as syncing with external databases, additional custom post types, content pulled dynamically via AJAX, and more can be added to make for the smoothest user experience possible.

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